Axis HR Consulting
What sets us apart from others
Axis is made up of a team of specialists who combine both HR and legal expertise to provide solutions to workplace disputes, particularly involving senior executives and sensitive, high-profile matters. The Axis team is au fait with both Legal and HR aspects, needed to assist clients with all their labour requirements. Axis will provide a holistic solution to your labour matters that deals with the legal, human resource and emotional quotient ramifications around the matter.
We recognise that in relation to workplace disputes speed is of the essence and that issues need expeditious resolution. Moreover, we are able to utilise innovative approaches from international jurisdictions to create a service that fits in with your business needs and objectives. We take time to understand your business and avoid a one size fits all approach. Our ethos is to provide you with a product that suits your budget and takes account of the fact that in many cases, the problem at hand may be symptomatic of a deeper issue. We aim to build resilience, confidence and agility as part of a long-term relationship, and not just plug gaps for short term gain.

Why Us?

Restructuring and Retrenchments
The highly specialised team at Axis is able to respond quickly to assist clients with issues relating to restructuring exercises and retrenchments. The team provides practical solutions that are underpinned by an understanding of the needs of business and the interests of workers.

Executive Disciplinary Matters
The Axis team can competently and professionally assist with disciplinary matters pertaining to senior executive employees.

We can assist in resolving disputes through the intervention of an experienced mediator who understands the dynamics and complexities in the workplace. A successfully mediated dispute avoids the costs, time and risks associated with litigation, and provides the parties with the ability to tailor an outcome that suits them. It also ensures confidentiality. Our mediation services extend to all types of disputes including those involving senior executives, wages and other conditions of employment and inter-personal disputes between employees. We can train selected members of your team to understand the benefits of mediation and create an internal dispute resolution mechanism to transform the culture of your organisation.

We can conduct workplace investigations into a variety of issues arising from employment relations. Our expert investigators are able to gather, collate and forensically analyse evidence, allowing for better informed decisions to be taken by management on the appropriate course of action.

Chairing of employment processes
We can assist in providing experienced chairpersons to chair grievance hearings, disciplinary hearings, performance processes and ill-health processes. You can thereby be assured that these processes are handled in a professional and compliant manner.

We can assist in identifying problem areas in the working relationship and solutions to ensure harmony in the workplace.

Verification and balloting
We can assist in conducting processes to reliably establish the representation or numbers of members of trade unions where this is contentious.

Axis consultants bring over 100 years of combined experience in HR and employment law advisory work.

Axis is made up of trusted advisors from leading law firms in London as well as experienced HR practitioners who have the reputation of being trusted and reliable.

Our team of consultants has in-depth experience and knowledge of HR and employment law through advising businesses from diverse industries.

Commercial acumen is a key DNA of Axis consultants who are able to provide cost effective strategies for businesses operating in an increasingly challenging economic climate.
Get in touch
For further information on how our experts can assist your company click on Contact Us.